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Stick-out ears - paediatric - both

David Gault
Admin 0 months ago


Set back of both ears in a child

This information assumes that your child has not already undergone surgery at another centre which has not met expectation.


Mr Gault is offering pinnaplasty only under local anaesthesia for children under 16 for the foreseeable future.  Local anaesthesia is much safer than general anaesthesia, and Mr Gault has undertaken pinnaplasties in this way on children as young as 5 years, but he recognises that this may not suit all children.


His fee for the surgery is from £4295 including one follow-up.  The fee for the local anaesthesia (LA) is from £425.


The cheapest available hospital currently charges from £1550 for an LA WiWO (walk in, walk-out) procedure.


Hospital fees do not include painkillers to take home, but you would be much better advised to buy these over-the-counter because Paracetamol from the hospital is extremely expensive. Mr Gault prefers to leave an around-head bandage on for one week, after which sutures are ready for removal.  A headband should be worn at night for about 6 weeks post-operatively to prevent the ears being pushed forwards by the pillow.



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