Excision_of_a_Pigmented_Birthmark_-_1.jpg Darkly pigmented naevus at birth
Excision_of_a_Pigmented_Birthmark_-_2.jpg After excision of the middle of the birthmark
Excision_of_a_Pigmented_Birthmark_-_3.jpg After further excision
Excision_of_a_Pigmented_Birthmark_-_4.jpg After a final excision
Excision_of_a_Pigmented_Birthmark_-_5.jpg Final result
at 18 years IMG_3048 - cropped.jpg
Dysplastic naevus before treatment Dysplastic naevus before treatment
Dysplastic naevus after treatment Dysplastic naevus after treatment
Keloid Scarring Keloid scar before treatment
Keloid scar mid-treatment Keloid scar mid treatment
Keloid scar after treatment Keloid scar after treatment
Keloid scarring earlobe Keloid scarring of earlobe before treatment
Keloid scarring earlobe after treatment Keloid scar of earlobe after treatment
Facial warts  Facial warts
Facial warts after treatment Facial warts after treatment
Bad face 1.jpg Stretched ear lobe after a poor facelift
Bad face 2.jpg 7 days after surgery to correct stretched ear lobe
Depilation laser treatment of  scalp Depilation laser treatment of scalp
Depilation laser treatment of back Depilation laser treatment of back
hirsutism of forehead hirsutism of forehead
hirsutism after laser hair removal Hirsutism after laser hair removal
pilonidal sinus before treatment pilonidal sinus before treatment
pilonidal sinus after treatment pilonidal sinus after treatment
Dark pigmented mole before treatment Pigmented mole before treatment
Black mole removal Pigmented mole mid treatment
Pigmented mole after successful laser treatment Pigmented mole after successful laser treatment
Tattoo chest, large and coloured Tattoo - large, dense and multicoloured
Tattoo2.jpg Tattoo treatment - cutting out coloured patches not removed by laser
Pt 6 - long term follow-up.jpg Tattoo removal - hair regrowing
Angel wing tattoo removal Angel wings tattoo
Tattoo removal - whole back Immediately after a whole back treatment, still red
Large hairy birthmark Large hairy birthmark
Laser treatment to remove hairy birthmarks After a laser treatment
Bathing trunk naevus removal Bathing trunk naevus in a child
Laser removal of birthmarks Dark birthmark after a laser treatment
Scarring after a bad facelift Stretched ear lobe after a poor facelift
Remove scarring after a bad facelift Correction of scarring after a poor facelift
Removal of dark mole Dark mole on forehead
Laser treatment to remove dark birthmark Laser treatment to remove dark mark
Brown pigmentation after burns Forehead pigmentation after burns
Successful treatment of areas of pigmentation Areas of successful clearance after laser treatment
Tuberous breasts (snoopy breasts) Tuberous breast correction
Breast enlargement for deformed breasts Correction of breast deformity
Laser Removal of Cafe au lait patch Cafe au lait patch
Laser Removal of brown birthmark Successful laser removal of brown birthmark
Breast enlargement Breast augmentation
Breast enhancement After enhancement
Thread veins on the legs Thread veins on the legs
Laser removal of thread veins Removal of thread veins with sclerotherapy and lasers
Breast asymm1.jpg Breast asymmetry - one large and drooping
Droopy breast correction One week after correction of breast deformity
 Squamous Cell cancer (SCC) Squamous cell cancer (SCC)
Skin cancer removal near eye After excision and grafting
Cancer removed and area healed Cancer totally removed and area healed
Squamous Cell cancer of the ear (SCC) Squamous cell cancer (SCC) of the ear
Ear cancer removed Wide excision of ear cancer caused by irritation from hearing aid
Successful ear cancer removal and reconstruction Successful removal of cancer and reconstruction of ear
Hirsutism - expert laser hair removal Severe hirsutism
Hirsutim correction by expert plastic surgeon Reduction in hair growth after single treatment

Expert tattoo removal Unwanted tattoo
Best laser tattoo removal Laser tattoo correction

How to remove a tattoo  Dense unwanted tattooing
How to remove unwanted tattoo Unwanted tattoo after two treatments

Rhinophyma1.jpg Rhinophyma ("WC Fields nose")
Rhinophyma2.jpg Rosacea of nose after laser treatment

Age spots on backs of hands Age spots before treatment
Correction of age spots on backs of hands Age spots after treatment

Pigment spot before treatment Flat pigmented patch before treatment
Correction of pigment spot Flat pigmented patch after treatment

Naevus of Ota before treatment Naevus of Ota before treatment
Correction of Naevus of Ota Naevus of Ota after treatment

Spider vein treatment Treated areas within an area of venous matting

Spider naevus before treatment Spider naevus before treatment
Spider naevus after treatment Spider naevus after treatment

Speckled port wine stain before treatment Speckled port wine stain before treatment
Speckled port wine stain after treatment Speckled port wine stain after treatment

Scarring after a bad facelift Scarring after a poor facelift
Correction of scarring from a bad facelift 7 days after surgery to reshape stretched earlobe